A Population Pyramid is a graphical representation of the structure of a population. It provides plenty of information to understand a group of people
It is composed of two axes, the vertical showing the “age” and the horizontal the “number” of people per gender
People are divided into three parts
- Before reproductivity 0 -15 y
- Reproductive age 15 - 44 y
- After reproductivity 44+ y
According to the size of each part, pyramids can be classified into four categories
First is the “African” type, which has large amounts at the lower parts of the pyramid and very few at the upper part
Second is the “Japanese” type, which is an upside-down Africa pyramid. Very few children and a lot of old people
The third and most balanced is the “French” type, which looks like a kids house painting, approximately the same size for all groups except for the deep-senility group.
Fourth and most bizarre is the ”Qatari” type, which has the element of vast amounts of mainly male labour force and its middle part is super extended.
Pyramids get shaped by a variety of factors
- War: Reduces mainly male population at fighting age. The german population during WW1 got a big blow
- Starvation: The great leap forward by Mao and poor weather conditions in China lead to lower food production therefore deaths
- Child policies: The State can either enhance birth rates by forming specific welfare measures (Russia nowdays) or restrict it (by law, China). Systemic changes carved Iran's pyramid is a way that it got reduced 10-30 y population
- Medication + Sanitation: better health conditions mean fewer diseases ⇒ fewer deaths along the entire age spectrum
- After-war wave: When civilians and soldiers stop getting killed they have time for reproduction(hihi). Only after ww2 the US had its “baby boom”, before and after this event the population productivity was lower
- Migrant/refugee policy: Favourable migrant environment creates conditions for the enlargement of the labour force which intersects with the reproductive part of the pyramid. Qatar has huge amounts of male workers
- Education and Work: High specialization jobs require university degree and a pursuit of a career that doesn't leave time or space for massive reproduction
Explore more Population Pyramids here: http://populationpyramid.net/
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