Πέμπτη 9 Φεβρουαρίου 2017

Europa: the myth of a girl

Once upon a time, there was a beautiful princess in the phoenician city of Tyre. She was sleeping in her palace when a sudden dream invaded her mind. There were two women representing the two continents, one was Asia and the other was nameless. Asia argued that since she had been born in her continent she belonged to her. The other woman maintained that her birth wasn't as important and that Zeus should give Europa to her. After waking up, wanting to calm from her previous experience, Europa gathered her friends, all daughters of the nobility and of the same age, and went for a walk along the mediterranean fields of the shore.
Kinky and horny, Zeus, (i don't know what that guy did all this eternity) looked around for party? Was ready for new adventures? Anyway, he sees her and some sources say that the demigod Eros shot a love arrow and he was immediately dazzled by Europas beauty. Not wishing to continue his centuries long fight with his wife Hera, he transformed himself to a shining white bull to disguise himself and went off.
While the maidens were having fun, enjoying the day and playing games, they came across a herd of bulls who were eating grass, calm and absentminded. The two groups came together and all-bright Zeus was soon spotted by the young girls, who set off to pet him. Europa was also curious and the two creatures came closer when somehow she got persuaded to climb the bull and Zeus instantly and speedily run to the sea.

Image result for europa riding a bull statue

The poet Ovid in his work Metamorphosis described the scene more analytically:

And gradually she lost her fear, and he
Offered his breast for her virgin caresses,
His horns for her to wind with chains of flowers
Until the princess dared to mount his back
Her pet bull's back, unwitting whom she rode.
Then—slowly, slowly down the broad, dry beach—
First in the shallow waves the great god set
His spurious hooves, then sauntered further out
'til in the open sea he bore his prize
Fear filled her heart as, gazing back, she saw
The fast receding sands. Her right hand grasped
A horn, the other leant upon his back
Her fluttering tunic floated in the breeze.

At the sea, and while Zeus rode fastly, suddenly the Nereids on the back of dolphins emerged from the sea along with Triton who blew his horn, even Poseidon. Then Europa realized that the white bull was a God and she begged him not to harm her. He reassured her and later they reached the island of Creta. At the beach they had sex which made Europa pregnant to Minos. Her son would rise to become the king of the first european civilization that would take his name, the Minoans.

To be continueed..

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