Whether we call it nationalism, or patriotism, or anyhow, the ideology that puts the nation at the top of the political values remains the strongest in the modern world. Like any other, this one appears in multiple versions, from the more extreme (fascism and chauvinism) to the more moderate. Despite the fact that the national ideology has been questioned and has been the target of continuous demythification and deconstruction, like any other ideology, it remains dominant because its primary manifestation is the state. Although it emerged at the end of the 18th century as a revolutionary ideology that challenged the central role of religion, the dynasties and the “traditional values”, it got so successful that it molded the world we live in today with its values as a baseline. This is why european unification remains an almost unachievable revolutionary enterprise.
The national ideology gets reproduced through education and a plethora of symbols (from the flag and the national hymn to the landscapes), while the state strictly punishes behaviors against the interests of the nation. The result is that most people do not understand it as an ideology to choose among others, but as a system of principles and values that constitutes a continuous part of the natural order of things and therefore of the collective and individual personality. This is why the reactions are so intense when we think that someone wants to question them: it aims at our own core-identity.
To understand its power, simply imagine that someone suggested as a solution for our country (Greece) the introduction of a proven-to-be successful politician from abroad in order to assume with his/her team its governing. This idea is so surreal that seems ridiculous. Is it ever possible to accept to be governed by foreigners? In other words, this basic principle of the national ideology entails the power of natural order. Yet, this proposition doesn't lack logic. Besides, we accept uncomplainingly huge state and semi-state economic entities to be managed by foreigners (for ex. the head of the emblematic French automobile Renault is Brazilian), while we have no problem our national sports teams to have foreign coaches. Great political leaders of many countries, as well as many royal dynasties existed in the past as “foreigners”, an element that contributed to their delegitimization when the national ideology prevailed.
If one examines the modern Greek history, at least from 1940 onwards, will realize that political dominance has always its roots in the successful assertion of the national ideology. The National Liberation Front (Ε.Α.Μ.) did not conquer the masses in the name of communism but of the resistance of the nation, while its enemies built national courtesy on the basis of a supposed foreign-influenced anti-national character of the communists. The Dictatorship pursued something analogous with the slogan “Greece Greeks Christians”, like PASOK (socialist party) with the “Greece belongs to the Greeks”. Closer to us, Tripras acquired (before losing) popular footing only in July of 2015 with the “No” of national pride against the foreign lenders. Many mobilizations in favor of the defense of the nation were, at least at the start, spontaneous, like in the 50’ with Cyprus. Therefore we mustn't be entirely surprised that the Macedonian issue creates so many popular mobilizations.
The attachment to extreme forms of national ideology provides a first-class opportunity to unsteady politicians who search an electoral lifeline. For serious (and in fact liberal) politicians, the important thing is not to turn their back on the national ideology, which would lead to political suicide, but to manage it with confidence and responsibility, directing it towards the creative and not to (self-)catastrophic directions.
*Stathis Kalivas is a professor of Political Science at the University of Oxford.
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