Δευτέρα 8 Ιανουαρίου 2018

Healing statements of the Macedonian Representatives

Radmila Sekerinska, Minister of Defence

We want a solution that doesn't hurt greek interests or puts in danger the macedonian identity. But it takes two to tango and we hope the greek side will be as devoted.  

Nobody in RoM/FYRoM has territorial claims over Greece. Literally nobody. It is ridiculous. The only time we can occupy Greece is when we go to the greek beaches as tourists.

Zoran Zaev, Prime Minister

We have knowledge that Greece has a region with the same name which is why it doesn't accept the name Republic of Macedonia as well as that it is clear that no one will conquer the territory of the neighbor. Though, we may occupy beautiful greek beaches to which one million Macedonians arrive every year. On the other side, many greek investors come to Macedonia. After all, there is a left-oriented government in Athens which isn't nationalist.
I was born a Macedonian, my father and my grandfather were also Macedonians. This doesn't enter the negotiation. Nobody can change my emotions and that of my compatriots.

Nikolai Dimitrov, Minister of Foreign Affairs

Gruevski was the problem because he wanted to present a 2000 years old Macedonia. He made the country disliked. That damaged the negotiating position of the country on the name issue. RoM/FYRoM needs friends and sympathy to achieve a significant change.

We don't claim we are the only Macedonians. I feel Macedonian, but I have nothing contrary to a Greek from Thessaloniki that feels as Macedonian, whether with the geographic or the cultural meaning.

"Just like the citizens of RoM/FYRoM don't want to see other countries' maps to include their country", he understands "the worries and objections of other countries when they see their country in our country’s maps. What we pursue and expect is a great Europe."